Wow… what a difference a month makes! Things here at Peace are certainly moving! Last Sunday we held a meeting to continue our discussion revitalizing Peace with over twenty five in attendance. Our discussion centered around the teams that keep Peace going: Property, Stewardship, Inreach/Outreach/Social Ministry, Worship/Music/Tech, and Christian Education. After the discussion we broke up into those teams and added many new team members. If you haven’t signed up for a team yet, be prepared to be contacted by one of the team leaders asking if you might be interested in joining them. There is awesome momentum and passion flowing… you won’t want to miss being a part of it!
This Sunday, April 3rd, we will be bringing back the offering plates during worship. Some may think this is an antiquated practice but it’s actually a very important part of our communion liturgy. After the offering is collected, it is brought forward to place on the altar. We are bringing our gifts to God with thanks. Then we receive God’s amazing gifts during communion… the reminder of eternal life! We don’t have an usher schedule back up and running just yet, so keep your eyes open for the opportunity to assist as the plates are passed.
Another great thing is the increase in worship attendance. In just the past few weeks there have been many more people attending worship! In fact, so many that the communion line has been bogged down. So, beginning on Sunday, April 10th which is Palm/Passion Sunday, we will once again have two communion lines.
Although it can sometimes be uncomfortable, change is a good thing. Where there is change, there is growth. Come grow with us!
See you Sunday!