Today is December 21st. The winter solstice begins tonight at 10:57 pm ET. It is the shortest day of the year…or should I say longest night? Either way it is a lot more darkness than daylight. I just went to my doctor for my annual physical two weeks ago. As usual she did a barrage of blood tests to make sure everything is in order. The good news is that I am in perfect health! Except one thing… vitamin D3. That’s what you get from sunlight. Well, with the exception of the past couple days it has been pretty dreary around here. So now I am taking OTC vitamin D and I have an ultraviolet lamp on my desk at home that I turn on for awhile each time I’m sitting there. It seems like the answer to my problem is light!

This is supposed to be the happiest season of the year. With all the parties, presents, lights, and music. But for some, this is one of the darkest times of year. Maybe a loved one died right around the holidays. Maybe a person is depressed or feeling hopeless because of life’s problems. Maybe a person’s body isn’t acting right because they are low on vitamin D! I wish the answer to these problems were as simple as taking a vitamin or turning on a lamp. But it’s not always easy to see in some people. Maybe it’s not easy to see in ourselves. The good news is that no matter where we are, the answer to this problem is light... the light of Christ! No matter how much darkness there is Christ’s light can shine brightly in every corner. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that Christ is not only right beside us, but the Holy Spirit is within us, and we are never alone!

So, in the next few days as Christmas comes and goes, I invite you to notice where the light is. Maybe candles in a window, lights on a Christmas tree, the excitement on a child’s face, or a familiar Christmas carol. Let these things remind you that Christ is indeed the Light of the world and is with us every step of the way.

See you Sunday and Merry Christmas!