This Sunday, December 10th, we will have a big celebration in honor of Peace’s 50th anniversary!  Bishop Stacy Fidlar from the Northern Illinois Synod will preach and bring greetings. Many former members will be in attendance as well as one former pastor. Following the worship service, we will have a ramped-up version Munch and Mingle downstairs with all kinds of surprises!

There will also be the opportunity to bring something to put in the time capsule. I am adding a "Peace" sign that was given to me by Don Trejo as well as a butterfly made by Kay Smith, Kristie Polk’s mother while she was in Park Pointe who I visited often. Think about what you might be able to add to the time capsule that will speak about our work in the community and ministry here at Peace over the past 50 years.

So, if you’re reading this blog, you are invited to join us this Sunday for the festivities!

See you Sunday!