Holy Week begins this Sunday and has some very special traditions and things we do in worship.

Palm/Passion Sunday This is the Sunday that begins Holy Week where we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We wave palm branches and sing “Hosanna!” Then in a blink of an eye the service turns somber with the reading of the Passion of Christ as we recall Jesus’ crucifixion.

Maundy Thursday is the day we set aside to remember Jesus sharing Passover with his disciples. It was at that meal that Jesus took bread and wine and instituted the Lord’s Supper ushering in the new covenant. During this service we receive absolution for our sins and share in the Holy supper. At the end of the service, the altar is stripped signifying the beginning of Christ’s journey to the cross and death. We leave this service in silence as we ponder what is about to happen.

Good Friday the worship space is completely bare of any paraments and the cross is veiled. This service will be by candlelight as we say prayers, sing, and extinguish the candles one by one. While the worship space is dark we will be invited to come forward and light a candle which signifies hope in the resurrection to come.

On Easter morning the worship space will be decorated to the nines with flowers. We will begin our worship with the procession of the cross and you are invited to face and follow the cross as it makes its way up the aisle in triumph over the grave. We will have festive worship with all kinds of music celebrating the day Jesus conquered the grave!

So come and experience this very special week and note the 6:00 pm time for Thursday and Friday.

See you Sunday!