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Many years ago, before digital music or even CD’s, there were these things called cassette tapes used to record and play audio. A very famous brand was called Memorex. In order to prove the superior quality of the recording on their tapes, they recorded a singer whose voice broke a glass. You guessed it…the recording of the singer’s voice on Memorex broke the glass too! The tag line was, “Is it live, or is it Memorex?” 
As you know, we have been recording our worship service for a year now. No, we’re not doing it on cassette tapes or CD’s. We’re digitally recording it and uploading it to PLC’s Facebook page each week. The recording is great, but there’s still the sense that we’re not together during that 9:oo am hour. So, we have been working our way to “live” streaming our service so those in the worship space are worshipping at the same time as those online. As you can imagine it takes a lot to make this a reality. First, there needs to be a strong wi-fi signal in the worship space. Because of all the cement in there, the wi-fi signal was pretty weak. So, our tech team installed new wiring to bring the signal up to the required level so we can live stream. Upgrades needed to be made to the audio/visual equipment as well as paying for different licenses. And our tech team has put in lots of extra time to make this happen so a big “Thank You!!” to the team!

So… drumroll please… This Sunday, March 21st we will be live streaming to a test group of 5 people to get feedback. If all goes well…we plan to begin live streaming on Palm/Passion Sunday, March 28th!!! I believe this will bring a greater sense of being “the church” as we are able to worship at the same time  whether you’re at 101 Candlelight Lane or in your own home. I’ll leave this question with you, “Is it live, or is it Memorex?”

“See” you Sunday!

Pastor Lu