I am so excited about the future of our congregation! I know it may not seem like a very exciting time because we’ve been away from each other for so long now. But there are some very exciting things happening that you need to know about. Things that prove that even though we aren’t in the building, Peace Lutheran Church is alive and well!
First, let me give you an update on the re-opening of the church building and “in person” worship. You may have heard several local churches have opened and are worshipping. My friends, I must be completely honest, that is a really bad idea! Bars and churches are the two most likely places to spread the virus. Not only that, but in some cases these congregations are not taking the advice of their insurance carriers and would possibly be “hung out to dry” should someone contract the virus and sue the congregation and the pastor. So, for the foreseeable future, we will follow the direction of our insurance company, the CDC/IDPH, and the advice of our synod staff. Peace Lutheran church will continue with online worship. And oh my…what worship that will be! Up until now, it’s basically been Sara Hundley and me putting together the service. Now we have a whole team! Beginning Sunday, July 5th worship will be recorded in the worship space with a live musician, a sound tech, and a camera person to enhance our experience. You may have seen that we will be using “virtual” greeters too!
And it gets better…even during these challenging times, Wendy Rossi, our children’s coordinator has found an online resource and Peace Lutheran will be holding it’s first every “virtual” VBS beginning Monday, June 22! Also, on Sunday, July 5th we will hold our first ever “virtual” coffee hour via zoom at 10:00 am. So, grab your cup of coffee, log into the session via the link on our Facebook page and you’ll be able to see and chat with other members and friends of Peace! We’d like to expand that a bit by offering fellowship groups of 8 – 10 people in the church parking lot under the portico during the week. If you would like to host a group, please contact me or call the church office.
Peace Lutheran is getting a new website and a better way to give your offerings online. Sarah Peterson is designing a new website that is fresh and sleek. She's even designed a new logo for our congregation. We are also partnering with a new company to allow for online giving. I can't wait for you to see it!
Yes, it’s an exciting time to be Christ’s Church at Peace Lutheran!
“See” you Sunday,
Pastor Lu