I was watching the evening news the other night and heard some disturbing news. On top of everything else going on, there is a severe shortage of blood. I used to donate blood regularly but for some reason it became inconvenient. So, I checked with the American Red Cross and the next available donation anywhere relatively close to me is in the end of September. So, I floated the idea of hosting a blood drive at Peace with the council and they thought it would be a great idea. Think about it for a moment, we will be serving the community, getting our name our there, and providing a very important service for those in need medically.
The Red Cross will bring their own equipment and personnel. All we need to do is provide the space, a table or two and a few people to assist with directing donors where to go. Oh, and we need to have 30 people signed up to donate blood. But I don’t think that will be a problem. I’m thinking we can get at least that many from Peace, but if we ask our neighbors, friends, and co-workers, I bet we can at least double that number. Plus, the Red Cross will be advertising it as well!
So, below is a quick survey to determine if we can get the thirty people we need. Please take a moment to fill it out and we will be on our way!
Thank you!
Pastor Lu

Blood Drive Interest Survey