When I was growing up, I clearly remember our Good Friday service every year. As the service continued, the room got darker and darker. At the very end, the large Bible on the altar was dramatically… and loudly… slammed shut as the room went completely dark. This was to symbolize the starkness and finality of Jesus’ death. We then sat in the darkness until a lone candle was processed toward the altar showing a glimmer of hope in the promise of resurrection. I remember being moved emotionally to the point of tears as I contemplated what Christ had done for me.

This year at Peace we are going to do Holy Week just a bit differently. We will begin on Palm/Passion Sunday, April 10th with our service beginning with palms and triumphal hymns as Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem. Then the service turns to the dramatic reading of the Passion of the Christ as we hear the details of Jesus death. Then on Friday, April 15th we will have one service at 7:00 pm where we will have the opportunity to receive person absolution of our sins. Then we will participate in the power and beauty of the Lord’s Supper. After that, we will all take part in stripping of the altar as we hear the Passion. Next, we will light individual candles as we recite the Solemn Reproaches and have the opportunity to reverence the cross and place our candles in the sand. The service will end with the bells playing, “Were You There.” You will be invited to stay as long as you like. 

Then on Sunday morning we will celebrate the risen Christ with a grand procession of the cross, a flower filled altar and all our favorite Easter hymns accompanied by organ, piano, and a brass ensemble. The worship space will resound with Alleluias once again! Please make plans to experience this powerful week with us!

See you Sunday