President's Post

Hello fellow Peace members! I’m hijacking Pastor’s blog for the week to share something that’s been weighing heavy on my mind since I became council president.

If you know me personally, you know I’m typically positive and enthusiastic about everything I’m involved in. Some people would call me “crazy” because I volunteered to be on council last year (I literally asked to be on council), and I may even be “crazier” because I willingly accepted to be president this year.

The reason I stepped up is because I believe in Peace Lutheran Church. I believe what we deliver to our community is special and unlike other churches. As a member of the ELCA, we bring compassion, inclusivity, and openness that is not always found inside a church.

You probably remember last year we narrowly survived a financial crisis. All of our members stepped up where you could, and we came through that crisis. You helped! We did it! We.Are.Amazing!!!

Peace has also been facing another crisis. It may not be very obvious but can be just as detrimental as a financial crisis.

We are currently in a volunteer crisis.

We currently have about the same dozen or so people keeping the church “running.” Council and staff are eternally grateful to these volunteers, especially the last few years, because it takes A LOT of people to keep Peace going.  However, we are in jeopardy of losing some programs, special events, and even our property upkeep if we don’t have more members involved soon.

I don’t write this to give a guilt trip. I’m the type of person that if I can’t say Hell, yes to something then it’s a Hell, no (Can I say that in a church blog? Haha!) and I sincerely want the same for you.

But, here’s my plea… Please prayerfully consider volunteering for 1 non-worship role within the church. Trust me when I say... I know this is a big request and I fully understand your time is valuable. I would not put a plea out there if we were not concerned about the impact our dwindling volunteer base may have on our church.

I'll be sending a sign-up form Sunday night with more information but here is a list of positions and teams we are currently anxious to fill:

WOW Coordinator(s)
Property Team
In-reach & Outreach Team
Technology Team
Munch ‘n Mingle Coordinator(s)
Christian Education Team

Most teams have an average of 1-2 hours per month commitment. If you have any questions about any position, please contact Pastor Lu or me. We hope to have many of these positions filled before Labor Day.

With lots of love and a grateful heart,

Sarah Peterson

Lastly, while we desperately need volunteers for all committees, I understand if you do not have the capacity to be on a committee now. If that is the case, please consider a role (or multiple) you can do during worship. We are always in need of Ushers, Greeters, Readers, Assisting Ministers, Communion Assistants, Tech Assistants, WOW Teachers, Offering Counters.