A week ago last Sunday I preached on the Gospel lesson from Mark regarding the beheading of John the Baptist by King Herod. The backstory was that Herod had married his brother’s wife and John called him on the carpet for his actions. Herod’s new wife was really angry and plotted to have John killed. In the end she got her wish! The takeaway for us was that God uses ordinary people to bring an extraordinary message to God’s people. Just like the prophets, just like the disciples… and just like us! As followers of Jesus, we have been given the same charge: Speak the truth into the darkness of the world!
So, right now I’m going to speak some truth about our current situation as Peace Lutheran. The balance in our checking account is almost empty. We also have some pretty big expenses to be paid for unexpected property issues like the sprinkler system maintenance and testing as well as the elevator testing to meet code. Thankfully, we have been able to transfer some funds from savings, but that won’t last long at this rate.
We did really well at giving all of 2020 even with the pandemic. Sure, expenses were less because we weren’t using the building as much, but we pretty much held our own! This year…not so much. We’re not really sure what the problem is but I’d like to suggest that people aren’t making God’s work at Peace Lutheran a priority. Maybe it’s because people haven’t been attending worship in person and they’ve forgotten. Maybe because of COVID we’ve become comfortable not going to church or even watching worship online.
Friends, here’s the truth. We have to change our thinking and our actions if we want to continue being God’s hands doing God's work in our community! So, here’s the challenge…if you are behind in your giving… PLEASE make up the difference as soon as you can. If you are giving…thank you so much! If you can give more, please do! Even if you’re not a member but are reading this blog, please consider making a one-time donation. You can send it by mail to 101 Candlelight Lane or there is a secure link on our web page at www.plcmorris.org. We are very grateful for each and everyone of you!
The Good News is God has and will continue to use a bunch of ordinary people to get the extraordinary message out…WE are those people!!
Pastor Lu