As you are reading this Jim and I are in Rock Island. Tomorrow begins the 2023 Northern Illinois Synod Assembly! Kelly Van Fleet will join Jim tomorrow as a lay voting member. As a rostered leader, I am required to attend. This year will be a little different than most years for me. As you may know, I was appointed by Bishop Fidlar to fulfill the term or our elected Synod Secretary who was called as an assistant to the bishop. As Synod Secretary it is my job to record the minutes at all official meetings of the synod as well as the synod council, and executive team. I am a member of the executive team along with Bishop Fidlar, the Vice Present, Treasurer, and two members of the synod council. We meet in September, January, April, and May. Prior to those meetings, the executive team meets.

At the assembly I will be presenting my report as well as a report from the synod council. It is also my responsibility to present motions made by the synod council for a vote. Needless to say, I am a bit nervous! I did find out there is a minutes review committee who will be taking notes along with me. After I submit my minutes, they will review them and make recommendations for changes or errors. There will also be a recording of the plenary sessions so I can go back and listen to it if necessary. The synod staff has worked very hard to make the assembly run smoothly. There is even a PowerPoint presentation for us to use so we know exactly what to say and when to say it!

Jim has an important job too. He has been appointed to the Resolutions Committee who will monitor the passing of the resolutions and make any changes that are suggested. He is also running for re-election to the Ministry Support Committee. Kelly is also running for a position on the Congregational Life Committee. I too am running for reelection as Synod Secretary.

The synod runs very much like the congregation…just on a larger scale. The majority of the voting members are lay members not pastors or deacons. The bishop is the pastor of the synod, and she has her staff to support her. The synod council does the business of the church much like ours here at Peace does. I highly recommend every member to attend at least one synod assembly. If nothing else, singing along with hundreds of people is absolutely heaven on earth!

Pastor Lu

P.S. We won't be in worship Sunday as I am doing Continuing Ed this week. Emma Knudson will be preaching and leading worship! And, if you have a chance, please pray for me as I am having surgery on my wrist on Monday. I will be back with you on June 25th!